Difference between blog and normal website
There are little under 4 billion users who browse websites and quite a lot of them read blogs & articles. But many of them don’t know the difference between all these – websites, blogs, and articles. Before going to explain the difference, I want to highlight who and why you should know the difference.
Who and why you should know the difference?
Knowing the difference between normal Websites and Blogs/Articles is more pedantic, it is for the curious. But, if you want to make money by writing stuff on the internet then you SHOULD know the difference between Blogs and Articles! Without knowing the difference, you will end up getting paid less. A later section on the difference between Blogs & Articles explains in detail why writing article needs to be paid more than writing the blog.
What is the difference?
First the difference between Websites and Blogs/Articles.
As the saying goes: “All apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples”.
Similarly, “All blogs/articles are websites but not all websites are blogs.”
The website is a general term you give to all the sites that you browse online.
Example of Website – www.rammp.com.sg
The blog is a type of website (Web log= Blog) used only for posting opinions about a concentrated set of topics.
Examples of blogs are famous news magazine websites such as Buzzfeed, TechCrunch, Lifehacker, etc.
Sometimes, a normal website will different sections and one of the sections will be Blogs section – so in this case, the website is not completely dedicated to Blogs, but hosts blogs as one section. Blogs, consist of so-called “posts”, as what you are reading now. Every post has its own page (as the URL suggests), but the main page (homepage) of the blog website or blog section is dedicated to the series of latest posts in reverse-chronological (latest to oldest) order. And this page is periodically updated as newer and latest posts are posted. On the contrary, a normal website page is not that constantly updated. They remain static for the most part of the time. Blogs usually have a comment form at the end for users to give their comments. Users can also subscribe to specific blog posts. You don’t need a big team to manage a blog. This is one reason why blogs have become the best source of online earning for enthusiastic people who love to share their knowledge with the rest of the world.
Now let us talk about the differences between Blogs and Articles.
There’s a lot of confusion out there in the freelance-writing world today about blog posts and articles. Also, about what each of those types of writing should pay. Blogs are mostly about opinions as opposed to the presentation of facts. An article would typically have well-researched contents and could have inputs from interviews with experts. The content in the blogs can be casual, but the article should be very professional and involving a sophisticated writing style. An article would have additional reviews from an editor and will be typically lengthier than the blog.
So, the verdict is clear – if you are writing an article, you should be paid more than when you write a blog.